The Struggle Is Real

On an early Autumn day while sitting on my patio, I saw a bug fall and land on its back. Then I waited--silently cheering it on--to see if he was able to flip himself over. (I'm only saying "he" because I felt it had male energy.)

Even though uncomfortable to see him struggle, I watched and waited to see if he could do it on his own...but ready if I felt he just needed a little nudge. I watched him shift his body from side to side, changing his angle. It was like he knew there were very subtle grooves in the concrete and he was working his way to one. Then, success…he found a groove! He got himself back on his legs and moved on.

Moral of the story: We are all connected—to everything, in every moment. The bug wasn't struggling alone--I was there in that moment with him. It's important to allow another the space to reach his goal on his own...yet be there to help out if needed, even if just to be cheering from the sidelines.


Don’t Ride the Brakes


Warning Lights